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Physical Therapist
Local Physical Therapist
Dr. Xavier Prado is currently a physical therapist at Wesley Chapel Spine and Sports Medicine. A proud graduate of the University of South Florida and Florida International University where he obtained his Doctorate of Physical Therapy and B.S. in Sport and Fitness respectively. Xavier is also an Air Force veteran where he served both active duty and in the reserves. Xavier recently completed an orthopedic residency at the James A. Haley VA and is currently working towards obtaining his Orthopedic Clinical Specialist certification. In his free time, he can be found exercising, traveling, and exploring new and unique food destinations within Tampa.

Wesley Chapel providing scientific evidence based treatment methods

“Our goal is to treat the whole person and not just their symptoms and to provide the best care for each patient, in the same way; we would treat our own family”

– Wesley Chapel Spine & Sports Medicine

Wesley Chapel Spine & Sports Medicine, Hillsborough and Pasco Counties, fl


Most Major Insurances Accepted. Call for more information or book an apt online.

We do not participate in Medicaid plans.

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